Wichtige Ankündigung. Im Rahmen unserer Bemühungen, unseren Service zu verbessern, hat Bioloka Holding OU eine neue deutsche Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer beantragt. In der Zwischenzeit erhalten alle Kunden einen Rabatt von 5% für zukünftige Einkäufe, um niedrigere MWST. Zahlungen zu berücksichtigen (16% statt 20%).

What is the BLUMENFELD® mat?

The Blumenfeld mat is a scientifically designed “bed” of nerve and meridian-stimulating points. These points are cleverly crafted into beautiful lotus flowers with each “blossom” having 25 points of contact with your body that work as pressure points on nerves, much like acupressure.

The mat itself is like a bed of lotus flowers, and each of the 5520 leaves pokes into the meridians in your back. The points are sharp, and at first, this isn’t at all comfortable; but then, it isn’t meant to be right away. The mat is a method of treatment, and we think of it as fighting fire (your pain from Fibromyalgia) with fire (the spikey lotus flowers that poke your nerves).


Why and how can it work to treat Fibromyalgia?


Consider this: Your body already has a mechanism to reduce the sensations caused by pain. This mechanism is your endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Why is that you may feel an ache in your knee but when you start exercising, the ache goes away? That’s a sign that endorphins are kicking in. Have a sore upper back? Get on a bike and start riding, and your back pain may ease. Endorphins are kicking in.

The trick is to train your body to effectively use endorphins to manage pain sensations whenever they arise.

The lotus flowers on the Blumentfeldmat are arranged for optimal stimulation of the nerve endings in your back, neck, and anywhere else you may place the mat. As a result of this nerve stimulation, your brain produces a steady flow of endorphins over a period of 15 to 45 minutes. Once they start flowing, your pain begins to ease. Naturally and relatively quickly.

Why? Because your endorphins are anti-inflammatory. Fibromyalgia can frequently be linked to inflammation, so your natural endorphin production helps to soothe inflammations.

Will the Blumenfeldmat work for you?

Treatment of Fibromyalgia typically focuses on a healthy lifestyle and pain management with the help of chemical painkillers. It is not a surprise that the medical establishment prescribes painkillers because the chronic pain from Fibromyalgia (and other diseases) is not fun. The constant, gnawing pain can have a significant impact on your quality of life, like increasing your stress levels and interrupting sleep. These combined effects can make you more irritable and may suppress your immune system.

Opting for a natural treatment for your chronic pain has the benefit of easing your pain without side effects interfering with your quality of life.

Finally, we know that the Blumentfeldmat works because people like you who use it have told us it does!

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von Elvis

4 Februar

nie wieder ohne Blumenfeld

Ich bin vom Blumenfeld total begeistert und nutze es jeden Tag intensiv.
Meine Rückenschmerzen sind deutlich geringer geworden und vorallem sind die körperlichen Einschränkungen durch meine Fibromyalgie erträglich geworden bzw. minimiert.

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Our mat is not the only product of its kind on the market. But, our mat is one-of-a-kind and unique for dealing with pain because of the way it has been engineered and tested. Each lotus flower petal is curved and points at a certain angle, and the points are measured out to be a specific distance apart to optimize nerve stimulation. No other flower is constructed like the Blumenfeldmat’s from Bioloka.

We guarantee your mat for life and so have made it durable and sustainable. Your mat has a hypoallergenic core and cover that is organic cotton/hemp so that it will last a lifetime and can be washed regularly! Say yes to sustainable design.

Expect To Feel Better

The Blumenfeldmat was specifically designed to ease pain by stimulating the nervous system to activate the body’s natural ability to cope with pain.

We are certain that if you use the mat as directed, you will feel better. Here’s what you can expect and why:

  • Pain reduction within minutes
  • Lotus stimulators optimized for healing effect (Slightly rounded off
    (abgerundet) to avoid overstimulation)
  • Endorphins, your body’s natural painkiller, readily produced your
    system will get trained to manage your pain
  • Completely organic materials
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Try for yourself with absolutely no risk


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von Emilie Barten

31 Mai

Blumenfeld Matte und Kissen

Meine Tochter litt an einer heftigen Fibromyalgiekrise als Matte und Kissen eintrafen! Sehr spontane Besserung innerhalb von fünf Minuten! Habe Kissen und Matte schon 4 mal gekauft und weitergegeben. Eine Freundin litt schon jahrelang an heftigen Kopfschmerzen, und war ihre Schmerzen schon nach zweimaliger Anwendung des Kissens los. Sie braucht keine Medikamente mehr! Ich kann die Blumenfeldprodukte aufgrund dieser Erfahrungen nur sehr empfehlen.


Don’t Wait Another Day
To Feel Better Naturally!

The Blumenfeld mat is not a plush toy, but you may come to love it like one. Once you get used to the feeling of the spikey lotus flower petals, the mat will be working its magic on you.

You can choose from four cheery colors –cool turquoise, blush pink, bright orange, or lavender — and the natural-fiber bed comes in three colors.

So have some fun designing your mat(s). Mix and match your colors to suit your personality (or your decor!), and select the style and types best suited to how you expect to use them. We want you to happily keep it handy.

So say good-bye to the crippling pain from Fibromyalgia that can cramp your style. After all, you were born to shine! So get to it. Your Blumenfeldmat is waiting…

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von Marion Schmidt

4 Februar

Ich bin absolut zufrieden und kann es nur weiterempfehlen.

Ich selbst leide unter Fibromyalgie und auch hier ist es ein wahrer Segen. Nachdem mir für eine sehr schmerzende Sehne am Fuß kein Arzt helfen konnte, brachte die Matte die Lösung. An manchen Tagen kann ich kaum noch stehen vor Schmerzen, aber nachdem ich eine Stunde die Beine auf die Matte lege, sind die Schmerzen beinahe völlig verschwunden. Auch bei so genannten “dicken Beinen” nach einem anstrengenden Arbeitstag ist nach einem Abend mit den Beinen auf der Matte alles wieder in Ordnung. Ich bin sehr froh, im Internet durch Zufall auf den Blumenteppich gestoßen zu sein. Vielen Dank an die Entwickler – es ist ein wahrer Segen!

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